There can be few things more alarming than seeing the dental practice you have worked hard to build damaged by a flood or fire. Not only are you faced with the daunting task of rebuilding your operation, but making temporary arrangements for the patients that rely on your services as well. Therefore, if your dental practice has fallen victim to a flood or fire, it will be crucial that you get your business restored, repaired, and back up and running as quickly as possible. Working with a professional Chicago dental office fire restoration and flood restoration company is the most important step to take to get things back where they need to be.

A Quick Look at Chicago Dental Office Fire Restoration

Even the smallest fire inside of your dental practice building can be a big deal. With smoke having the ability to saturate everything from drywall and flooring in the waiting area to sensitive equipment in patient treatment rooms, a small fire within the building can involve a lot of restoration work. You could be facing an extensive overhaul of the interior components and the feat of properly cleaning all exam equipment so that it will be once again safe for use with your patients. This is why it is crucial to only work with the best trained professionals in commercial fire restoration who have experience with working in dental office settings.

Getting to Know Chicago Dental Office Flood Restoration

It may just be water, but when flood waters make their way inside of a building where it should not be, it can lead to an entire host of issues, some more obvious than others. If all of the moisture is not promptly removed from your space during Chicago dental office flood restoration, mold and mildew can overtake your building and cause a lot of concerns. Prompt attention to moisture damage in every element is a must, from dismembering the components of the building to tending to equipment that has been contaminated with water. Additionally, hidden components, such as the building’s HVAC system and ventilation, ma have to be removed and cleaned as well.

If your dental practice has been damaged by a fire or has sustained water damage after a flood, act quickly and reach out to our professional team at ACOA Dental Construction. We will be more than happy to guide you through the restoration process with our professional insight and help you get your practice back into business.